Embrace Your Inner Amma

Embrace Your Inner Amma…..

With all the challenges we are facing it helps to remember times when you felt accepted, appreciated, and wrapped love. Why I do what I do is anchored in awareness of my Amma’s pure love and pioneer spirit.

I wonder what inspired an awareness of love for you? Here’s my awakening story:

I believe it started for me when I noticed how the food tasted in my Amma’s kitchen. It wasn’t just the food. I became aware of the muchness of everything around me. A little child and a magical experience can be the best of times.

My first memory of feeling human in a spiritual experience was on a cool fall Manitoba morning in Riverton. Of course, I couldn’t have named it, but I have since realized these moments as incredible gifts.

Amma was in her blue housedress and apron and I was in my yellow duckling pyjamas. I think I was five. Afi had left to go fishing before sunrise. The sun was filtering through the window curtains onto her gorgeous red hair while she put the bread in the wood oven to bake.

She took two bowls from the cupboard, filled them with fresh skyr, cream, and a sprinkle of sugar. After she put the bowls on the table along with a couple of mugs, Amma put a square of chocolate in a mug for me. She filled it up with hot milk and magically stirred it with another sprinkle of sugar.

The coffee was already made with a bag, as they do at Icelandic River. She filled her mug with steaming hot coffee and sat down.

“Jæja, elskan mín. Svo gott.” she said as she breathed in on the words in a way so typically Icelandic. ” A very good day.”

We shared the most beautiful breakfast I had ever had. In that fragrant love-filled prairie house the smell of coffee, chocolate, yeasty bread, fresh skyr and cream enveloped me entirely.

I looked out over the harvested vegetable garden, the clothes drying on the line, sipped my súkkalaði and looked lovingly back at my Amma.

And decided to keep that feeling of total embrace locked in.
I’ve called on that feeling a lot. It brings me home when I’m in this season of waiting. It’s a place that is quiet, warm and comforting. A place of total acceptance and simplicity. A place that says no matter what, everything is going to be ok.

It is a gorgeous place to be, and one I do a lot of creating and giving from.

Wishing greatness in all your gatherings. They don’t have to be big ones to have massive long lasting impact. A connection of two people in a magical experience can be the best of times.

Here’s our Súkkulaði – Hot Chocolate Recipe

Made with real chocolate it is the absolute best. Use a good quality semi-sweet chocolate. For a real treat serve with pieces of OMNOM Chocolate on the side, or stir a piece or two into a mug of hot milk.

To make 4-6 Servings:
227 g / 8 oz semi-sweet chocolate
250 ml / 1 Cup water
1 ltr/ 4 1/4 cups milk
Vanilla Extract, Sugar and a pinch of Sea Salt to taste.

Heat water gently with pieces of chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is melted. Add milk slowly until hot. Add vanilla, sugar and salt to taste.

Serve and feel the love. Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Sending lots and lots of love,

Arden Jackson

Arden Jackson