As you like it – Connection to Laura Goodman Salverson “And this our life exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brook, sermons in stones, and good in everything”. – Shakespeare, ‘As You Like It’ Act 2 Scene 1 Forest of Arden My full story about my connection to […]
Remembrance of Jóhanna, Hálfdán and Solveig and why my life is a feast. Posted at My family is blessed with few war casualties. The significant people we remember are our courageous ancestors who sacrificed so much and left their beloved country because they had to. They were not running from war; they were running […]
Can you see a culture’s cravings in a recipe. Can you see the symbol of Icelandic Culture in a single serving of Vinarterta? The secret isn’t found in a recipe or a piece of cake. Treasured food experiences that shape our cultural identity are not founded in recipes, ingredients or methods. Why and how a […]
Not just volcanoes: The light of the soul throws sparks. There is a secret to creating beautiful memories with family and friends. We remember the days with friends and family that healed our hearts and fueled our inner fire. And we want more….(It’s about more than cake. 🙂 The secret to creating and repeating those […]
Vinarshock, n,; – The unexpected or astonishing realization that almost every family of Icelandic descent in North America, and all their friends, know and love Vínarterta Icelandic Cake. It still happens. Vinarterta is that good at remaining a coveted, protected, personal and family tradition. It is brilliant at connecting with the heart and feeling exclusive […]
Glaze Amazes Guest at Toronto Picnic Event – Technology Meets Outdoor Fun – is an article by Icelandic technology company It’s about the latest Arden Jackson and Vínarterta adventure. We beta-tested the fabulous new Glaze Order and Payment App for food service management for our ‘Taste of Iceland’s Independence Day Picnic in High Park’ […]
What you need to know about Iceland’s Celebration of Independence on June 17. The Anniversary of Þjóðhátiðardagurinn will be celebrated by Icelanders everywhere. Join us in Toronto on June 17! Gleðilega þjóðhátið! Happy National Independence Day! Do you know that Iceland’s Pride, Sword and Shield is a man named Jón? It’s Jón Sigurðsson Birthday on June 17, and also […]
Winter Rhubarb Vinarterta is made with Forced Rhubarb that looks like lava, grows in the dark and tastes like summer. Winter Rhubarb Seasonal Vinarterta is here! Rababara (Rhubarb) is such a fun word and a wonderful treat. It’s a historic favourite of Icelanders and Western Icelanders alike, it’s locally available in Iceland and North America, […]
Do you know how to create great Future Memories of Thanksgiving, Jól and Christmas? Memories hold a great deal of power over us. When we remember the good ones, we experience the positive high of wonderful feeling as if they had just occurred. The less good memories do the same and make us feel negative […]
The waiting is almost over. You know the feeling. What is your cultural craving? What are you greatly anticipating this year? The granddaughter of a dear friend shared a touching story at the memorial celebration for her Amma about her memory of waiting for a treat of deliciousness. She recalled looking forward to the […]