Tag Archives: Vinarkaka

Can you see a culture’s cravings in a recipe.

Can you see a culture’s cravings in a recipe. Can you see the symbol of Icelandic Culture in a single serving of Vinarterta? The secret isn’t found in a recipe or a piece of cake. Treasured food experiences that shape our cultural identity are not founded in recipes, ingredients or methods. Why and how a […]

Vinar Terra, Vinarkaka, Vinarterta or Vínarterta?

Vinar Terra, Vínarkaka, or Vínarterta While in Iceland a couple of summers ago I made a rustic Vínarkaka in Valur Gunnarsson’s Reykjavik kitchen with ingredients from the Bónus grocery store. The eggs were incredibly yellow, the butter was the most buttery ever, the flour was fluffier, the sugar more granular, the cream was heavenly, the […]

Arden Jackson